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Audits > Post-Acute organisational audit information > Data analysis and methodology

Data analysis and methodology

The following methodology was used for the 2021 round of the audit.

Data was collected using a web-based tool accessible via the internet. High data quality was ensured through the use of built in validations which prevented illogical data being entered. Providers entered data describing their service on 1 April 2021 and were given 5 weeks to enter and check data, after which period no changes were permitted.

The audit measured the structure of post-acute stroke services. It assessed services against standards and evidence from sources including the National Clinical Guideline for Stroke (2016), the National Stroke Service Model description of an Integrated Community Stroke Service (ICSS), and British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine, Specialised Neurorehabilitation Service Standards.

Key indicators (KIs) were developed through research and reviewing the existing evidence. Participating services were measured against specific criteria for each of the 14 key indicators.

KI2 and KI4 were multi-level key indicators, meaning that there were multiple thresholds in order for the KI to be met. If some of the thresholds were met, then one point was given. If all the thresholds were met, then two points were given. So, although there were 14 KIs it was possible to score more than 14 points.

The key indicators were applied to the following services:
  • Post-acute inpatient teams: A total of 10 key indicators (total score of 12) applied at team level. (KI1, KI2, KI3, KI4, KI5, KI6, KI0, K11, KI13, KI14)
  • Community-based multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams: A total of 13 key indicators (total score of 15) applied at team level. (KI1, KI2, KI3, KI4, KI5, KI7, KI8, KI9, KI0, K11, KI12, KI13, KI14)
  • Standalone 6-month assessment provider: A total of 1 key indicator (total score of 1) applied at team level.
Data was reported for every data item from the audit at national and provider level. The national median for each measure was given to enable benchmarking.  National results were presented as percentages, provider variation was summarised by median and inter-quartile ranges (IQR), and denominators were given within the national results column (see here for statistical terminology used in SSNAP reports). Ratios of staffing numbers per 5 stroke beds were given rather than staffing numbers per provider, so as to allow direct comparison with national standards and other sites. To calculate staffing numbers per 5 beds, the whole-time equivalent (WTE) for each staffing discipline in a service was divided by the total number of beds used by stroke patients then multiplied by 5. The same applied to WTE per 100 patients for non bed-based providers.

In 2015 the audit was carried out in two phases. The first phase obtained information from Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in England, Local Health Boards (LHBs) in Wales and Local Commissioning Groups (LCGs) in Northern Ireland on what post-acute stroke services were commissioned (provided). The second collected structural data from all identified post-acute stroke services on the make-up of their service.

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Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
Kings College London
Addison House
Guy's Campus


0116 464 9901