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Dataset changes 2024 > Resources

Data entry support resources
Resource Description Link Date updated
Import and export specification 6.0.0* Import/export specification for the inpatient dataset Download 08/04/2024
Printable form Printable form for manually entering community data Download 24/04/2024
Therapy Calculators Updated therapy calculators for new dataset 1. Inpatient teams

2. Community teams
Import and export specification 4.0.0* Import/export specification for the community dataset Download 10/06/2024
Simplified Technical Guidance Simplified guidance on how to calculate each of the Key Indicators. Download 23/09/2024
Scoring Summary Guidance on how scores are calculated including domain thresholds. Download 23/09/2024

*Please note that this import specification is not final and will be updated as the development of the webtool is ongoing. An export header-row key will also be made available closer to October. The import specification should not be used in place of this in the interim.*

Frequently asked questions
Topic Link Date updated
Therapy fact sheet Download 13/02/2024
Dataset and help note FAQs Download 25/06/2024
Data entry FAQs Download 25/06/2024
Key Indicators FAQs Download 25/06/2024
SSNAP Chat Dataset Changes Open Here 24/07/2024

Resource Description Link Date updated
DIY Analysis Tool Updated DIY analysis tool for new dataset Coming October 2024  

Find us

Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
Kings College London
Addison House
Guy's Campus


0116 464 9901