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Resources > Health economics

Health economics project

In 2015 the SSNAP team, in collaboration with NHS England, pursued an ambitious research project to derive and report patient-level estimates on the cost of stroke care. Using SSNAP data as well as other sources made it possible to estimate the health and social care cost of stroke up to 5 years after admission. These important data should be of interest to everyone with a professional interest in stroke.

What is the economic burden of stroke care?

The findings of this important study were published and the full paper titled "The economic burden of stroke care in England, Wales and Northern Ireland" is free to access here. A video from the 2016 UK Stroke Forum by Dr Ben Bray who gave a talk entitled Social inequalities and outcomes after stroke can be found here

A portfolio has been generated which estimates the cost of stroke for each provider and CCG/LHB. NHS costs include acute treatment costs, bed stays, inpatient and post-discharge rehabilitation, drug prescribing and follow up GP and hospital visits. Social care costs include the costs of nursing home admission and packages of care. They are not the costs for a specific hospital, but the overall 1 year and 5 year cost across all providers caring for patients. The health economics model produced estimates of the average cost of stroke according to patients' age, sex, stroke type and stroke severity.

How can these data be used by stroke services? 

SSNAP have produced health economic tools for Early Supported Discharge (ESD) and thrombolysis which are available to download below. These tools illustrate the opportunity to save health and social care costs for your cohort of patients and provide financial management information to complement quality of care information from SSNAP. These tools can be used to calculate the costs and benefits of increasing the percentage of patients discharged with ESD and the percentage of patients treated with thrombolysis in your team or area.
Is there more detailed information available?

There is a full methodology report and a summary slideshow available to download below, which provide further information regarding the health economics model.

Cost of stroke portfolio

Portfolio providing the cost of stroke for hospitals and CCGs/LHBs for patients treated over the financial year

Download Team Cost of Stroke Portfolio  
Download CCG/LHB Cost of Stroke Portfolio

Early Supported Discharge tool

This tool illustrates the opportunity to save health and social care costs for your cohort of patients based on the number of patients discharged with ESD care.

Download the ESD tool 

Thrombolysis tool

This tool illustrates the opportunity to save health and social care costs for your cohort of patients based on the percentage of patients thrombolysed.

Download the thrombolysis tool 

Health economics full report

A report describing the methodology and results of the Stroke Health Economics Project

Download the full report  

Download Appendix 1

Health economics slidedeck

A slidedeck giving an outline and description of the Stroke Health Economics project.

Download the Slidedeck

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Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
Kings College London
Addison House
Guy's Campus


0116 464 9901