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Dataset changes 2024 > Dataset and Helpnotes

Datasets and help notes
Resource Description Link Date updated
Inpatient dataset For teams in England and Wales Download 19/06/2024
Community dataset For teams in England and Wales Download 12/09/2024
6 month assessment dataset For teams in England and Wales Download 19/06/2024
Inpatient dataset For teams in Northern Ireland Download 19/06/2024
Community dataset For teams in Northern Ireland Download 12/09/2024
6 month assessment dataset For teams in Northern Ireland Download 19/06/2024
Ambulance dataaset For ambulance trusts Download 19/06/2024
Inpatient help notes For all teams Download 12/09/2024
Community help notes For all teams Download 12/09/2024
6 month assessment help notes For all teams Download 19/06/2024
Ambulance help notes For ambulance trusts Download 02/05/2024

New or updated questions have been highlighted in green in the datasets, an itemised list of changes to the dataset is available at the end of each dataset.

In the inpatient help notes, if the help note for a question has been clarified between versions 5.1.1 and 6.0.0, the question is highlighted in blue and the clarification underlined. 

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Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
Kings College London
Addison House
Guy's Campus


0116 464 9901