Welcome to the commissioner (or provider in Wales) specific area of the SSNAP webtool. Here you will find important information on how SSNAP can help you monitor the performance of stroke services within your Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) or Local Health Board (LHB) area.
SSNAP knows that CCGs and LHBs are expected to work with their healthcare services to:
stroke, the following national standards exist for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in England to ensure that the care stroke patients receive and their outcome from stroke
meets the above criteria:
Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP)
SSNAP is a prospective, longitudinal audit that measures the quality of care that stroke patients receive throughout the whole care pathway, up to and including 6 month review. It is the single source of stroke data for England, Wales and Northern Ireland which aims to improve the quality of stroke care by measuring both the structure and processes of stroke care against evidence based standards. SSNAP is comprised of two key components which together provide all the information CCGs and LHBs need to monitor the care and processes of these stroke services within their population: the
SSNAP clinical audit and
organisational audit.
What can SSNAP do for commissioners?
Stroke standards can be difficult to achieve and the information for them challenging to obtain. SSNAP helps commissioners with this by providing them with a number of different resources which can be used to monitor stroke service performance and encourage and facilitate service development, as well as quality improvement initiatives, in acute and post-acute stroke services. Resources include:
In order to access fully the resources available through SSNAP and receive results before they are made public, please follow the path under
Registration in the tabs at the top of the page.