Presents key national results for the 2015 Post-acute stroke service provider audit. It includes appendices, with lists of participating and non-participating services #SSNAPorg
Shows key finding and recommendations and all national results for Post-acute stroke service provider audit #SSNAPorg
Shows post-acute stroke service provider level results by named participant benchmarked against the national average #SSNAPorg
Shows key results from the post-acute stroke service audit by named participant, as well as lists of participating and non-participating services #SSNAPorg
For stroke survivors and their carers this Easy Access Version (EAV) shows national key findings of the post-acute stroke service provider audit (Audit of longer term stroke services). It uses maps, easy to read charts and summary text #SSNAPorg
Provides a concise one page visualisation of the key findings from the audit of post-acute stroke service providers. Results are based on service organisation as of 1 April 2015
Shows all national and regional results for the 2015 Audit of Post-acute stroke services commissioned. It includes all appendices, including a list of post-acute services identified #SSNAP
Shows all national results for 2015 Audit of Post-acute stroke services commissioned #SSNAPorg
Shows commissioner (provider) level results for every data item benchmarked against the national average #SSNAPorg
Provides a summary of results for the 2015 Post-acute stroke service commissioning audit by named commissioner within their SCN region. #SSNAPorg
Provides visualisation of the 2015 post-acute stroke service commissioning audit results allowing you to look at and present your results against national figures. #SSNAPorg
For stroke survivors and their carers this Easy Access Version (EAV) shows national key findings of the post-acute stroke service commissioning audit (Audit of longer term stroke service funding) using maps, easy to read charts and summary text. #SSNAPorg
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Sentinel Stroke National Audit ProgrammeKings College LondonAddison HouseGuy's CampusLondonSE1 1UL
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